Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Granny Goes Gap

hmmm so at last i receive acknowledgement that my travel piece is to be published. i find this news inspires me to write again after many weeks without words. coincidentally, i was asked the day before yesterday, do you write a blog? and i said no. maybe it is time to start again.  

but what will my final piece look like i wonder? it may not bear much resemblance to my initial writing. 

write about your travel experiences to given prompts was the invitation. they liked what i wrote but insisted on changes, wanted to make it more uniform to fit with other peoples writing. i found it a difficult process, i had to agree changes in wording that they suggested, which just didnt feel like me and take out date references, as they would make it age and their journals must be timeless. 

i now await my copy to arrive. i think my piece will be presented as a series of questions, questions asked to each of five individuals in turn and i wonder if others experienced the same difficulties as myself, that their emotionally constructed words were also deconstructed. i considered withdrawing but an esteemed writer friend explained that this is the way it is. so i conceded and submitted. 

some friends now want to read my piece but i find i dont want them to read the chopped up, not me, me. so here are my original words and perhaps i will share the final article in due course.

Granny Goes Gap!

A disappointment when I was 45 left me lost and directionless until a chance conversation with an Aussie tempted me. My girls were both at uni so I booked a years unpaid leave and rented out my house. I lived with camel racers travelling red deserts and dust storms, worked on a prawn trawler, hitched a 2500k journey with road trains, slept in my swag, in water culverts, in cattle yards. I felt feral, I belonged to the earth and lived in the moment.

The year ended, I came home but couldn't bear money or living a city life. Happen-chance saw me on an ice breaker crossing the frozen Baltic looking for the Northern Lights in Arctic Finland. Whilst there, I watched pilkkiminnen (ice fishing),  competed in the Open European Yukigassen Championships (snowball fighting), lived with Sami reindeer herders, ate raw dried reindeer meat, wondered at muskox on the plains, drank moonshine and later, fell in love with the midnight sun. Four months on, a 66 degree parallel north marker made my heart jolt and I headed home.

I have hankered for that timeless, in betweenness ever since. 

In 2013 I retired from a lifetime of teaching. My son in law was terminally ill and I had two beautiful grandchildren, I began to see my life closing down. I was wild swimming, mountain biking, making original textiles but it wasn't enough. 2016, brought my 60th birthday and time to reflect. I remembered my travelling moments, the never never land of living each minute, by itself and for itself. I was ready to shed some of the obligations that go with parenthood and grandparenthood.

Whilst searching Google for the Hebrides, it offered me the Faroe Islands. Faroe Islands, I asked myself, where were they? I ended up taking a summer long workaway placement there in June 2016 but stayed just two weeks before going walkabout. 

Two months later I was on an overnight ferry to Jutland, where the Kattegat and Skagerrak seas squabble and fight with each other. I walked on drifting sand dunes and went island hopping, until one sandy island after another nearly suffocated me, so I went to Sweden where I drank with the have nots.

It is now nearly October, I've been home for a week. I can tell you stories about Faroese salmon farms, swimming in 8 degree oceans, both sides of the whaling story, tales of guys rowing the Atlantic, being dive-bombed by arctic skuas, how puffins stumble-plunge land. Those memories stay. The difficulties of accommodation, costs and loneliness fade. I feel free, I have broken the mould I had created for myself.

I'm heading for Cornwall, I leave a week today, my house is rented out, I have no accommodation booked. I'm planning northern Spain and Portugal in the spring. Why? Sometimes life just needs shaking. A girl I meet talks of Alaska, a friend takes a train across Canada, another bikes Mongolia and I start to dream big. Coastal Labrador communities by boat. I am 60 years young.

Listen, really listen to your heart and let serendipity in. The hardest part is the decision. Book the flight, rent out the house, turn misfortune into opportunity. Once you set yourself free, your journey will carry a momentum of its own. 

Just do it xx


Wednesday, 21 September 2016


Fate  30/07.16

Home for the weekend. Members of family and friends trying to get in touch but Im not ready to talk. Not ready to communicate yet with my world that was. Remembering Bens death was sad yet celebrating his life with friends and family good and there were moments of joy as red kites graced us with a close presence, closer than known before. Eerily important. And of course, there were Poppy and Edward.

Blogger has just lost the beginnings of a post again. Apple say its a blogger problem, that i should uninstall and reinstall, so i do. Or at least, i uninstall, only to find that iOS have deleted blogger apps and i can no longer reinstall it.

When karma calls you just have to listen. Go with the flow.

Carla has brought me things i needed from home, has taken back things i dont need for my forward journey. Or didnt need. Things change. The matter of a few hours and plans are not as they were. What is the saying about a speck of dust and a butterflies wings? One tiny thing affects the next. I want to say the order of events is unimportant but i think the order of great importance.

Two days ago i was hoping to stay at a friends flat in Oban to think for a while but i suspect she has not seen my mail. Yesterday, i was off to a small scottish island but the house had no wifi and vodafone no signal. This morning a fb message asks will i volunteer for a shift at the nolsoy festival. a glimmer in the knowing im not returning, that i might actually like to. i see a fb post about women, almost friends, swimming in nolsoy harbour. I know Im not returning yet slowly the land of maybe maybe, becomes maybe. I check my once assumed accommodation, knowing it will be gone and find its still there waiting. I smile at myself and think, maybe.

My attempt to change the date of my flight to an unspecified future date meets with failure. My attempt to name a date in the near future costs the equivalent of three flight prices. So its use it or lose it. Lose it then. I find a self described, 'hippie' camper van from Edinburgh, think i might take it for two weeks, a road trip might suit. I let my choices sit while family clouds personal decisions, the fog has come down.

Late afternoon i book my scottish campervan, excited to check out the desire i had when i first retired of living in a van. I put through a booking for two nights, check it out then take it for a fortnight if its an ok space, bookings for it are low, its readily available. I can buy a dongle or write offline and hotspot my phone. My plan is clear and purposeful.

I begin to read some of my australian journals and fall in love with my words. I know how important it is for me to begin to make some sense of them. Ive talked of this for so long. I just need to be away from home, somewhere reasonably comfortable, with internet. The journey i began fifteen years ago is not yet over for me, not yet complete, still needs to be heard. I need to live it, love it and mourn it again.

Early evening, my campervan booking is rejected, no reason given. 

I check in on line for my flight. Tomorrow morning i will pack, buy Doue Egberts and some pre soaped razors before i catch my bus to board my train to take my flight to get the bus to board the ferry to nolsoy.

My pack is both lighter and heavier. My journals are physically heavy but emotionally light. the weight of two pairs of shoes, excess electronics, lonely planet Faroes and clothes have gone. 

Writing without the app is now a chore. Nothing flows. Spell check doesnt work. Photos cant go in. I despair. Ive searched and searched. The blogger app just isnt there. I try wordpress but dont make sense of it on my tablet. I struggle writing using on line blogger rather than the app. I struggle trying to use apples Pages, copy and paste.

So I'm returning to write but without an efficient writing platform. I check the App store again, nothing but i suddenly think to check purchases and discover i bought a blogger upgrade! Its still there, I download, copy and paste. Maybe im away again.

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Shades of grey

Shades of grey  02.07.16

The sign says picnic spot and invites me to drive in. I need no second invitation and am pleased to draw to a halt. The sky, the road, the mountains and Sundini, the deep channel between Streymoy and Eysturoy, are barely different shades of grey. For a moment, when the cloud descended, I knew not which was road, mountain or fjord so the idea of stopping was welcome. I have obeyed the sign and eaten my roll, finding myself hungrier than I expected. The rain beats heavily and from my secure driving seat I can barely make out Eysturoy across the water. I sit a while. It's good to have a companion to converse with even if Siri says she will not work without internet connection.

I am surprised that the distances seem smaller when driving than walking and hitching. Barely had I left landmarks I know than I ascended sharp mountain ranges with bends that made me anxiously check my position on the road. Ears fogged and popped as I began a long descent which culminated in a tight hairpin bend before crawling deep into the bowels of a subsea tunnel that stretched for miles, joining Vagar with Streymoy.

I dislike dark tunnels, underground, anything that makes me feel shackled, repressed, trapped. I become claustrophobic and fear for my life. Today, i imagined the water would come bursting though the rock and I would drown. I tried to decide on a plan of action, exit the car before it submerges or wait for things to settle?mIf I got out, before the car submerged, I would risk tons of rock landing straight on me but may make my way up towards the surface or at least die trying. if I sat in the car until everything settles I think I would stand no chance, for the car would be crushed and buried by mounds of rock and I would endure slow suffocation or drowning. Risking myself to the water as soon as I can seems a better bet. 

I continue to descend andam surprised when my ears fog and finally pop with the depth I have dropped. A motorbike clings too close to my tail, almost nudges me to speed up, adds to my anxiety. The limit is 80 but I think 70 sufficient for me now, thank you. I find myself pushed by him and note in alarm that I'm now doing 83 and it's too easy as we are still descending. I brake gently and try to suppress my rising irrational fear that I won't reach the other side. It must be near though, I must be near. 

With relief I note the beginning of an ascent but it is short lived and levels off again. I drive for what feels like many more miles, tense and anxious. Eventually I see daylight and with relief, watch out for the service station at which to pay the £10 toll. 

My picnic is eaten, the windows steamed up. Any attempt to have windows slightly open just results in everything getting wet. Rain drives from all directions. I have studied my map and despite the lack of road signs hitherto, I think I will know my route when I get to Hvalvik, I just need to go left then stay left. Choices are limited on an island when driving by the sea.

The rain continues but my picnic has all gone. I want to hold on to this place of sanctuary and stay just a few minutes more but as I drive away the rain suddenly departs and the roads become dry. I can see the Streymoy mountains on one side, the mountains of Eysturoy on the other and the waters of Kollafjørdur between us. Im pleased to stop and take a photo, waterfalls such as this have accompanied my route for some time. The rain has ceased but the skies are still grey.

As I notice my turn and leave the main road, my heart skips as I begin to drive my first buttercup route. I notice multiple pull in places for photos or sight seeing but wonder what there is to see, it looks pretty uninspiring. It soon dawns on me that these are notbviewing spots but pull ins where a driver on the right must give way to the right, unless it's a lorry then give way to the left or if you are going downhill you must always give way to right or left over a car coming uphill and in a tunnel you do what it tells I think unless you meet a lorry. Or something equally confusing. Just as I had to stop earlier, unsure of speed limits I'm now unsure of the rules of the road. Nor, I realise, do I and have my driving license with me. I stop, but my Bradtt guide does not cover the rules of right and left give way. I conclude that for a lorry I will not always move out of its way, especially when in a single track tunnel and cars? Well I'll see what sort of seems to make sense and no doubt other drivers will soon put me right if I get it wrong.

Buttercup routes are rather aptly named as the ground is littered with buttercups all over the islands. My heart now lurches rather than skips as I find myself on narrow single track roads that drop on either side and whilst not particularly dangerous, would nevertheless ground a small car and need a rescue truck to retrieve. I drive carefully, if I hit a sheep, I have to report myself to to the police and pay compensation to the owner and sheep roam freely at will. 

Sometimes there is too much to say and not enough time. Sometimes there are so many memories, so many thoughts that occur,  that I would need to record them in the moment and cannot do so. I think I will remember them but my drifting kaleidoscope of thought trains has gone. I wonder if the mental act of driving has temporarily taken my memories away, sent them to some distant corner where they wait to surface. I could look at my photos and regurgitate but my writing comes from my heart. I am saddened that I have no more words for the moment but suffice to say I've been a tourist today and there will be a point where I can record it.

It's only 10.45 and I'm in bed. This is the earliest I've been to bed since arriving and it's definitely lighter than it will be in an hours time. The birds too are different, I hear them chattering a goodnight to each other whereas I'm used to just hearing those that call on through the night. 

It's been a long day but my brain is tuning in. I'm too far behind to write now but forgive my notes for these things belong here and will be done in good time

Fossa waterfall

Saksun: Smell of smoke, Just like uk history, hay silage, Gov supporting wool market, Spinning wheel, Building with wood, Bbq polluting, Smell of pine, stacks of turf, Icelandic ponies contentious, rye, wild plants in turf rooves, sheep drying , Birch bark, polluna, 

Allotments, cyclists, dried fish, arts and crafts, black sand, angelica, Risin, Kellingin, hippies, sun on water

Linear Kollafjørduron, Card games cafe chill

Thursday, 15 September 2016

UK trains

UK trains  15.09.16

I meet a woman at Liverpool St. She admires my froglet, thats the way she says, and we are talking, how easy is that! She is travelling to India in a months time, asks where ive been and for how long. I sometimes think i might be embarrassed to say ive just been in Europe but i dont. 

When she has gone i start to think though, ive never really been attracted by India but wonder why not and begin to think, for the first time that actually maybe i would be, could be. And then i think i need to find a travel companion, not go alone. But how hard to find someone with a three month travel itinerary and where would i start to look or would it be to just start with a hostel and pick up people on the way. Wheres the kickoff point for people going to India? 

I wonder whether there are workaway places in India, im sure there will be, ex pats, just like Judy in Sri Lanka, where i couchsurfed for just a couple of days, planned to stay longer but couldn't bear her ex pat attitudes, ran away with a young female traveller i met there, a young czech woman, think I would hate ex pats in India but they may serve my purposes.

As i sit on the train waiting to leave i am reminded of a journey from London many years ago, escorting permanently excluded pupils home from a day trip. Time to go home and the group were hungry, two members of staff went to McD for supplies while a colleague and i took the kids on board. I wasnt even really a colleague, just an add on from another area of the service so i knew not the kids or the staff. The time moved on, the kids were hungry, i held the train as long as i could, standing with one foot on the platform one on the train, before being heartily scolded by a guard and made to sit down. 

We moved off. We had no tickets. We had insufficient personal money to deal with hungry kids. The train pulled away. I tried to reassure the kids that my colleagues were on board but was secretly terrified that they would not be so, waited with anxious breath. Some twenty minutes pased before they managed to make their way down from the other end of the crowded train where they had leapt in at the last minute as the train was about to depart. I cannot begin to tell you of my relief.

Rubbish first class on this line in the evening. Tea, coffee, crisps and biscuits. Thats it.  I was expecting free alcohol, sandwich, snack and fruit so ive paid a fiver for a packet of crisps. Great. Ive run away from my allocated seats due to companions with table fulls of mcdonalds. Ive moved to four seats on my own but close companions from ipswich and lowestoft are talking over loudly involving half the carriage i think. Go away!!!!!

Thank heavens for shake delete, i just somehow deleted accidentally, with the momentum of the train,  a lot of my writing. I looked and looked but it was gone. I remembered shake and i shook. It came back

India, mexico, peru. Oh dear am i beginning to dream more widely? My house may have to go.

I seem to have made a couple of decisions that dont fit my original plan of action in the last twenty four hours. Ive utterly loved being spoiled by my old schoolfriend Jan who picked me up from Luton airport. The joy of being 'home', being able to read a menu, understand systems, find a glorious lido to swim in today.

And now im on the train to norwich, the most difficult and unrewarding first class experience ive had in my short first class train ticket experience with Poppy. I just want them all to shut up! Its friggin first class! And i want some wine!

Shucks, nearly posted without discussing my surprising decisions. Im swooshing on Sunday having said i wouldnt swoosh, ive said i have no time and really i dont.  two days after arriving in cornwall i think I'm  going to be doing a swim run event. Huh? Me? Swim run? Shitzer

The mouthies in the seats ahead of me have stopped yakking, probably related to the arrival of a partner but i am pleased to find more peace until we stop at colchester. I now i have a garrulous  rather large man who can't stop talking on his mobile phone. And i thought i might sleep!


Airports  15.09.16

Phew what a fiasco!

It was thirty two degrees yesterday i hear people complain, good job i stayed indoors. I think it is approaching that in this aeroplane now with half an hour before take off.

So i caught my train, due to arrive at the airport two hours before my flight. Nope, it went straight past the airport, apparently there was a traffic jam so they made us go past. We alighted and waited for a train to go back. The first train stopped but nobody was allowed to board. Fiftenn minutes after arrival we caught a train to return to the airport and ever since then ive been walking. 

The train dropped everyone at point x from where you must read boards to find out which terminal you will be flying from. Great, the furthest, so across the tarmac we go for fifteen to twenty minutes. Already checked in i was saved horrendous queues for selfcheck in machines that were mal functioning. I went straight to baggage drop and through security but oh so slow and such hold up simply because there were insufficient trays for peoples belongings despite piles of trays sitting at unused desks.

Forget easyjets forty min bag drop and thirty min boarding gate, you'd never make one from the other! Apart from anything else such as passport control, they inform you that its a 13 minute walk once youve got through. I picked up a coffee on the way, got to the gates and sat for five minutes before being more or less the last to board. Crazy. Good job i gave it the two hours.

Tuesday, 13 September 2016


Endings  13.09.16

23 degrees. walking back at 7.45 pm and its 23 degrees, it feels pleasant but im glad i didnt discover this digital thermometer until a couple of days ago, i might have complained even more about the heat!

I have paid for a pint, the same chicken and mushroom pasta i had on my first night here but also ordered a small salad to go with it. I have 60p left. Do i bring it home for Poppy and Edward to play with in the toy till or leave it for the staff? Tough call. But perfectly judged from a financial point of view. Theres now just the nine pounds in Danish money to spend at the airport in the morning. I can manage that.

There are many photos i might have taken and havent, perhaps many missed experiences i would have liked but i cannot think of any in this moment. Other than meeting people of course. 

I paid premium for helpx today, i had forgotten quite why i preferred workaway but i now have paid up accounts for both and discover helpx to be more like wwooffing, more farm and building type work. Less likely to engage me, more hard physical graft that i cant do these days. Theres a travel companion side to it though but glancing in, after paying my subs, its not very active and 98% under 25s.

9.30 and time for bed. All packed. Alarm set for 6.45. Wondering if i really have my aeroplane ticket and if i really have checked in. Its so bizarre doing it by mobile and with no internet now i just have to trust i got it right. Phone battery dead, ipad 15%, power pack dead. Phone on charge, ipad waiting as soon as phone is charged, battery pack can wait til im at jans tomorrow, i wont need it til my late train home on thursday night. Bugger, house key is buried deep in bowels of backpack where its been safely locked away for months, i dug out english cash but forgot my key. It can wait, phone at 76% can also wait. Ipad on charge, earplugs in.

I wake and i dont want to be awake but give in and look at the time. It is 1.35 am. I feel as though there is somebody, some presence, i feel uneasy, try to drift back to sleep. My earplugs give me a sense of unease but it is essential i wear them here. I must sleep but am so unused to needing an alarm that my body does not want me to use it, says stay awake now.

I suddenly remember i should have printed my airline ticket and have not done so. I remember atlantic airways efficiency and text reminders about flights. And then i groan and realise its ryan air and i will surely pay for not printing my ticket. Yet i checked yesterday and it is in my 'wallet' on my phone. If in my wallet it surely does not need printing. I need to check.

I am flying with easyjet. I am checked in and my boarding pass is in my wallet. Whats more, having planned to be at the airport two hours early i need check my luggage in only forty minutes before flying time. Further more, i had allowed time for the wretched passpost border control but in fact it is a swift twenty minute train joirney to the airport, not the forty minutes into Copenhagen itself. My alarm will wake me way earlier than i need but i leave it.

I remember It was my potential change of plan, to fly from Gothenburg that would have been with Ryanair and would have neccessitated printing my ticket. My train ticket back from london needs printing. Having made the date error by purchasing on my phone, this time i bought on my ipad only then to discover that i cannot get my ticket in my phone but must print it at a station. Travel can become complicated. Satisfied that all is in place I leave my writing and drift back to sleep. It is three am.

I wake from a dream where i think i am being prepared for sacrifice. I am with Sikhs and being perfumed and cosssetted. I feel very privileged to be allowed to witness this religous ceremony. There is a halt in the ceremony, i am unsure what for but the reality of my situation begins to dawn. Why would a non sikh be allowed into a prestigious ceremony, why am i being treated as i am, as the most important person here. Taking advantage of the halt in proceedings i ask for the loo and post on FB, i think im about to be sacrificed, post my phone number and ask for help. I message Rebecka, in Sweden asking her to get the police here. I then go into one of those loops where i have so many different endings or non endings. I dont die in any though, tie sheets and hang out a window, climb onto rooves, just walk out, many endings. The best is where the police phone me and i make my eacape before they push their way in to arrest everybody. Large sharp knives are lying ready. 

I feel so uneasy and unsafe with my earplugs in i remove them, it is 4am and traffic is quiet at last. I drift to sleep again. I still wake early at 5.30 and this time do not bother to go back to sleep but make a coffee and get up. My host was not sleeping at home last night. I have not known any night whether she is home or not and this is slightly disorienting but i have learned that if not home by ten she will not be home. 

As i am early, I unearth my key from my pack and then repack it. I am ready in good time, have a second coffee, heft my rucksack to my shoulder and hear a noise. It is my host. She did come home last night aft all. Hence the reason for my poor sleep. My subconcscious heard her but did not expect any one to be in the flat.

Taking the last advantage of the wifi at Malmo station, heading for the train and the plane. 

Where am i at?

Where am i at?  13.09.16

Where I am at is not about where i am, but the journey i am on. I may be in the same physical place but be on a different journey every day. It is the accumulation of these journeys that leads to travel experience. Today i have been on a journey of self indulgence, of introspection, of exploration, thinking and planning. What do i want, where will i go, why and what for and who are the people that i might choose to spend a while with on my immediate journey along the way.

I sit here now at 6pm reviewing my writing. I am looking at the lighthouse, wondering if i might find a symbol to match my journey each day and think the lighthouse would be good for today. i have been viewing my options, finding my way. There will be rocks, i may steer a different course but for now the lighthouse is enough. It is square, i have seen it several times before, even taken a photograph of without knowing it might have been here, waiting for this moment. 

The sun is sinking behind the tourist office that helped ground me on my arrival. My day has passed on a drifting tide of internet, one thing affecting the next, patterns slowly building. It is as though i have already begun my journey home, left my travelling self behind. i have taken advantage of having a whole day to think, plan and make contact with others. 10.30am until 6pm. Sitting in one seat. Not moving save for looking up for a while to eat the vegetable feta salad i brought with me. 

My day did not start out this way but this is how it is so often. My plans morph into another world. I began by reading my posts since i entered Denmark and enjoyed, at times, was moved by the importance of my words. i was touched that i seem to write with positivity even when i have often felt anything other than that. 

I enjoyed reading my writing, began to think it might be worth doing something with, and was surprised by that. I had felt that with my change in audience, my writing had become mundane. I have felt, not as though writing for myself, to vent and to clarify but writing knowing others are reading and with that, has come an imperative to write something, anything and i have often thought my words flat. Perhaps i have just done a good editing job. Perhaps my perception of myself is flawed.

Half an hour ago a council worker came and removed two thirds of the 'Boris' bikes from oustside the station. I thought it odd, thought rushhour might mean they may be needed and i have watched progress as numbers have increased and dwindled and now, at 6.15pm, all the racks are empty.

I thought i was visiting the museum today, going swimming, finally going to turning turso before using the internet at the station. I decided instead to take the bus to the station, not walk and to use the internet early, clear the decks leaving me ready to enjoy my last day. I had made a list of all the connections i needed to make, the ends i neded to tie.

I have enjoyed my last day, have felt very peaceful and engaged. It is the first time i have caught the bus to the station, such spoiling on another scorcher. I understand this is a heatwave. I have not overheated all day, have not felt frustrated, have barely even moved in fact, sitting in the shady hall, with table and chair, only noticing the time through the actions of those around me. The smell of food as they came to eat at lunchtime, the realisation that lunch time must be long over when nobody else brought food for some time, the solitary young man who played with his phone in a desultory manner for what might have been two hours. A woman, my age, sitting typing beside me and i remember i apologised for i was talking to myself, trying to work something out but she was as lost in her world as i in mine so need not have worried.

The hours drift and i do not notice them pass.

I have said i need to keep my time free once home until i have completed the majority of tasks i need to do but have now filled every evening and two days in my first week home with friends. Fretting and trying to arrange times with people once home will cut into my organisation. Having time schedules may help me be more focussed, more efficient in my tasks. 

On top of that i have contacted Jonathan Lorie, asked to meet on a day in London, seek advice and direction, clarification. I have made contact with Another Escape, a new travel journal whose owner/editors i met on my first night in the Faroes, have finally purchased a copy of their magazine now that i have an address of my own, for two weeks, at home. I will read hard copy more carefully than i am able to read on line to ascertain whether i think i want them. I ask, do they want an oldies perspective, it all feels very youth biased but think i made an impression, they wanted to hear my stories, said they hoped our paths might cross again. I could just write a submission but know that if i get an invitation to submit i am far more likley for any submission to be read so it is the invitation that i seek. Thats another thing i remember from Jonathan Lorie. Maybe i might book in on another weekend course while im in Cornwall.

It is 7pm, a few bikes have been returned but instantly taken again, the racks remain empty, such strange behaviour to remove bikes at a critical hour. I should go, my bag is not yet packed, i dont want to leave. Not i dont want to leave tomorrow but i dont want to leave this spot right now. oh my goodness! The same young man has brought bikes back! Fourteen of them! Rushour has passed. Why might you service bikes at rushhour if that is what has been done? How bizarre.

No, i need go, get closer to home, buy myself food. My day has all gone roundabout. I thought i would pack and then go out for food on my last evening, not leave my packing until after spending my last pennies, on food and beer.

Monday, 12 September 2016

Degrees of separation

Degrees of separation  12.09.16

26 degrees day after day. Its just too hot for me! The air was pleasant before 8am this morning when i walked to the station and it will be fine again after 9 pm but in between is ghastly.

Moody moody. I think this is the worst bus hop on, hop off city tour i have ever done! We spend more time at posh hotels and cruise ships servicing the needs of rich people than learning about the history of the city, though i dont see a great number of interesting historical buildings anyway and theres so much traffic, its all start stop start stop. They tell us we will notice how little traffic there is compared to other european cities and that there are two bikes for every resident in Copenhagen and i think what? As the cars stream by in the middle of the city it feels like the outer ring road.

Forced to change busses half way round for no explicable reason, the second half of the tour has no commentary, just as well i wasnt impressed by it anyway. Today is the start of the winter season so hours and frequency of busses and boats have been reduced resulting in over crowding. Horrid, just horrid. And it means i have had to abandon my bike tour, originally scheduled for 10am but which Mike the bike rescheduled for 2pm. Shame as i had wondered about just doing bike and boat and think that would have been perfect.

Nearly three pm and i plan to get off this bus in a minute, i had planned to whizz round once then hop on and off to see the sights but i have abandoned any idea of seeing sights by foot and will have a beer while i wait for the last boat of the day at 4pm, hop back to the start and then walk half an hour to the station and home to sweden, via the airport of course, to verify my identity. I have a momentry panic as i realise i have forgotten my passport, then a moments relief when i remember i didnt remove it, decided to carry it every day, expecting this moment to occur, and now i wonder whether in fact it is in my bag and wonder what i will do if it isnt!?

In fairness the boat trip at 10am was ok, not stunning but ok. The little mermaid was a great disappointment for she is indeed very small and even by bus, there's no touching her unless you want to leap a few boulders and risk a plunge.

I managed her better alighting from the bus than snapping from the boat but the sun preferred her back, to her front

I felt this fella deserved equal attention and was standing just over the way from her, i wondered if he might be the prince of HCA tales, whom the little mermaid so desired. 

Interestingly. Although i repeatedly hear about Hans Christian Anderson, nobody tells of anything he wrote or why he is famous, just presuming everybody knows! At least the boat told a two sentence story about the little mermaid relating to his fable else i wouldn't even know, i do i think i remember reading it. I keep thinking about fables and get confused with aesops and then realise how much more of an impression jennings and derbyshire and biggles had on me. Naughty boys at public school and fighter pilots ill have you know.

So, i got off, taking a photo of the bus numberplate ready to complain about the lack of commentary, though there were plenty of disgusted americans on board, so perhaps i wont risk being connected with them, and i am back at Nyhavn, where i started, which seemed a nice breezy place with buskers, to enjoy a beer.

 i worry about the number of people i see getting into the tour boat and stop to ask what happens if the 4 pm one is full. Oh not to worry she says we run until 6.45pm, what???? My whole day would have been different! Those are the hours i had planned for, but you told me this morning that the last boat was at 4pm! Yes, but we are very busy so we have put some more boats on but anyway you cannot get on the 6.45 pm because it is already sold out. Yes but i have a ticket valid for all day. Yes but not for that boat she says. So Copenhagen has not endeared me to Denmark any more than previously and whats more wifi has been virtually non existant. Even here, sitting in a very busy and popular location, with a seven pound half pint, the bar have no wifi

All experiences are good. I think i may have been targeted by, not quite a wino, but a guy who comes here drinking every day and who opened conversation by telling me that the Romanian who just walked past, who i didnt even see, was after my beer bottle. I say he can come back, he is welcome to it when it is empty, 12p return on each bottle. The guy tells me he also collects bottles, hence the reason i think i may have been targeted. I give him my two half pint empties, having found a beer shack round the corner, and think sod it, what better way to get rid of the rest of my danish money than beer in the company of an undesirable. 

My half underground beer shop!

I go and buy three more, leaving me with 100krone or 9 pounds to spend at the airport on breakfast the day after tomorrow. A woman comes up and offers the guy a plastic bottle, he thanks her. clearly others see that he is a hunter gatherer whereas i had not seen that. The guys searching the bins wear plastic gloves but my friend makes contact with people and gets given empties. Hierarchies. Same job, different hours. Another side of Denmark i have not seen hitherto.

I think tomorrow i must take photos of bikes. I have not taken stunning pictures of people carrying several children in these amazing cargo bikes. Nor indeed taken pictures of the long wheel base bikes, chopped and stretched at the front, pushing a small wheel and a truck container in front of them, their handlebars so far away from their front, steering wheel or do the back wheels steer and the front just balance i wonder.

Hmm prob time i checked my passport before i drink more beer. Being passportless and tipsy might not be redeemable, especially as im probably in a similar position to when i nearly didnt gain entry to Canada. I have absolutely no idea of my hosts name or of my address, i just know where i am going and made contact through the internet! Ah, yes, its ok, passport is in my bag.

So while i have been writing, my 'friend' has disappeared, i dont think i was drinking enough. He hid his beer in an inside pocket, took it out having tiny sips at a time, perhaps it wasnt beer in there. i love, do so love experience. I now have a new friend sitting beside me but this one smells. Seriously. Strange world. These guys all carry big yellow carrier bags that seem to announce 'im a collector'

I say hi, he gathers his precious bag closer to him. I want to understand a little of his day. He missed out, a smart, very sober, middle aged, business like collector picks out three cans from the bin beside him. I have misunderstood, this guy is probably an alkie or dopehead not a collector. He is drinking clear fluid from a cola bottle, i dont think its water, but i dont think he even knows i am here. He smells very bad and i see people looking at him as they walk past. He laughs out loud at something, share the joke i ask, but he is in a world of his own, does not hear me and i decide to move on. 

A thin, curly haired woman comes along as i finish my beer. She walks purposely, quickly, collecting as she goes, i hold out my bottle, thank you lady, she says and she is gone. So we have collectors and alcos, the collectors perhaps just as the first guy said are immigrants who spend their day collecting and gathering cash for their efforts. The alkos i have less understanding about. Bottles might be useful but clearly they are not the prime reason for living.

So that was my experience of Copenhagen! A boat tour taken twice and a miserable bus tour with a bit of beer in between and rubbing shoulders with the locals! The train home was seriously diffiuclt. A guy was crawling, yes literally crawling along the floor, begging, couldn't stand. Having already changed trains and more than a ten minute delay for passport control we now had a twenty minute delay while the police came on board. The Swedish clearly do not want any more undesirables in their country!

Sunday, 11 September 2016


Rumblings  11.09.16

Ok so one of the good things about cities is wandering the streets safely at night. I know there are many who would disagree with me but i am generally comfortable most places i go and tend just to avoid very dark unlit streets alone. Last nights walk back from the beach along what can only be described as a long, lonely but generally clear, well surfaced path, from the beach to the railway station, through some abandoned industrial areas, felt a little remote. The slow wander from the station towards home though, sees me crossing many roads and watching reflections in the canal, feeling in good company whilst nevertheless alone. Apparently the canal was never originally a service canal as such in terms of goods, but dug as a ditch for waste water (polite term) from the old city which it surrounds.

Ive just spent a glorious three hours lost in the world of the station internet, catching up with those who have mailed, making arrangements for tomorrow in Copenhagen, reviewing guests on airbnb, writing welcoming notes to those yet to arrive, a check on one who is mid stay and a welcome to the girl who moved in today to stay for a year in the garden house. Please dont think i have been away all this time without having to put considerable effort into my finances! 

After that, shock horror, ive been on workaway!! How do you fancy a hostel on the camino di ... what is it, santiago or compostella.... dunno. Thes been loads of other placements ive mailed though but the pilgrim hostel would be one I would love, so many travellers coming through and a good proportion of them spanish. They ask whether i have special skills like massaging travellers feet. I say no but i can cook and mend their bags and clothes! I may not get an invite, wait and see, but the Question is, would i take my car? I think i just might...

I think im on my very own post Brexit journey, fuck.... Apple recognise that brexit needs to be capitalised, sod it, ill refuse second time round!! but if i do this.... Spend the winter/spring in spain, i think there might be a point where i take on a property such that i can have visitors for a week or two. Im thinking christmas in cornwall, head out in the new year. 

I will know more how i feel when i return home for two weeks, talk to the girls, assess the actual financial ramifications and also know more from Brandy, how it has been for her doing my cleaning turnarounds. It will be simplified now with just the house available but the price i currently have on the house means i only have occasional lets, it would be fantastic to find someone who wants a two or three month stay. Ive has so very many requests in the past, im sure its only a matter of time, but despite it being available this summer, its only been occasional short lets that have gone. 

Im not yet ready to rent it out for a year which would give me total freedom. Not ready to say goodbye to Norwich for good. I have missed Poppy and Edward this last week and wish perhaps for a new mobile, my phone is such that the battery barely lasts all day so by the time i think i would like to ring them, i am unable to do so. Does this mean buying a new phone is on my list of jobs in the two weeks im home?

I understand that Kerry and Carla have dealt with my kayak, that Carla has emptied Nicolas bedroom so my original list of jobs reduce, though i have added many more to it.  I have given the girl who has moved into the garden house today the task of measuring to find a fridge freezer for herself that will fit! Ha, thats a good one. The space is so small im unsure we can find one, i know i have looked before but a larder fridge has never really been satisfactory.

I sort of half hope she wont also wont a bed replacement by the time i get home. Fridge and bed replacements have been on the agenda for some time and she is just a catalyst for making them happen. The bed is about improved storage and a simple task other than the removal of a cumbersome but comfortable bed settee. It is so very very very important to me that my space is comfortable for people when they are travelling and now Nessa is there for a year, her needs are greater. my freedom depends on her comfort and the development of an easy relationship in the two weeks i am home.

I am being hassled, i called in for a pint on my way home and they tell me they close at ten. I think i want them to leave me here drinking my pint and writing but suspect i have to sup up and move on. i doubt there will be any other establishments that i might be comfortable frequenting at this time of night on my twenty minute walk back 'home' so an early night for me then!

Sticking to plan

Sticking to plan  11.09.16

Progress today is going more to plan than yesterday. I was pleased to enjoy several cups of coffee first thing having bought milk to go with my nescafe. For breakfast I ate some of my salad: spaghetti (left from last bod), vegetable, feta and egg, that i had prepared as a meal staple for a few days.

Before i even left the flat my clothes were sticking to me with the humidity. I may have to try to find space tonight to try to scrub my trousers with the filthy washing up brushes but it is so hard when there is only the tiniest of sinks and no space to scrub and rub or detergent to use. I am pleased that at home i offer free use of my washing machine with written instructions and detergent in the house. in my garden house, the butler sink and drainer provide ample space for hand washing and i provide hand washing liquid and bars of washing soap along with a basket of clothes pegs. Sometimes small things can make a big difference to people's experiences and cost little to provide.

First up, the flea market and i had my eyes skinned for anything remotely motor related such that i might find number plate connections. What a sad load of disappointing household trash, like the poorest section of any car boot at home but without the antique stalls, the produce or old tool sections. It was so sad to see people selling rubbish and the number of people buying stuff that i wouldnt even want to touch, dirty old shoes and carpets, jumbles of clothes and toys.

It strikes me that just as Denmark has the least wealth inequality, the divide here in Malmo is great between the rich and the poor. These were poor selling to poorer. Row after row with nothing making me think there was any real money anywhere, i felt very sad. I have twice been approached by people begging since I arrived.

People all around often speak english and not with english or american accents but im unable to place accents. The swedes in general speak far better english than ive met hitherto, often flawless and i have no qulams of asking absolutely anyone for information or advice. There's also definitley a lot of male posturing, broad shoulders and torso attention seeking swaggers and at keast one bare chest walking down the streets somewhere every day.

My foray into art museums is the first challenging art i have seen since being away and closer to work i might expect to see at home. Thought provoking commentary on old and new, beauty and repair, self and other, creation and destruction. It was good to get free wifi for a while too.

OK so city life has worn off on me now, walked lots, seen stuff, bought a felafel wrap for two quid, huge quantities of salad including pickled turnip, salty and pink from beetroot juice. Im now lying reading in a park just as i spent yesterday afternoon but unfortunately this one is full of screaming children. I think i might have just commissioned theft, a guy with an unofficial stall outside the park says he will see if he can 'find' me a number plate before i leave!

I sat by the cats on the steps, designed such that no one ever need feel lonely in Malmo for the cats will always keep you company.

Cant be faffed with the beach, too far away and likely to be crowded on a sunday afternoon. Bangra is playing somewhere in the park, its a concert, but a group have moved in close by playing african rhythms very very loudly with big big PA systems while they are cooking their barbecue which feels a little unfair. I am kept company by scavenging rooks.

Heres the silver church, im not interested in the inside but the outside is stunning

Saturday, 10 September 2016


Understanding  10.09.16

Trying to analyse what has made the difference, why today has definitely been one of my happier, more fulfilling days. Its like anything, its not down to any one thing and its hard to put a finger on it.

My recent unexpected house rental dosh along with cheaper rent here mean i can spend money on myself. 
The tourist office were friendly and helpful (i actually think thats a biiiiggg biggie) 
The bus sytems work. 
Its a green and pleasant city with a lot of water. 
Its Swedish! 

There is definitely a happier, noisier, feel good feel to the place. More people breaking rules, like not waiting for the green pedestrian light to pass go, drunks on the streets in the morning, homeless bods sleeping on benches, people walking in bike lanes, noisy cars vrroomming it up the road, littering, ostentatious headlight systems on cars, car stereos blasting out loud, people walking with loud music, people sitting in parks playing live music with amplifiers, horns being hooted playfully. It feels a much less oppressed society altogether. Ah... And maybe there's more women out and about. And definitely shorter skirts. Im now sitting outside a bar, enjoying a pint before heading home and there are more females than males around me. Refreshingly different, isnt that an advert for something? Was it Carlsberg? Isnt that Danish? 

I havent read all the tourist office leaflets i picked up this morning but one i saw but didn't pick up was the history of Ikea. I had to smile that theres a museum dedicated to its history.

I think the story i liked best from todays boat trip was a king or prince who levied taxes for the first time and became so unpopular that they got rid of him and he ended his life as a successful pirate. I love it! Mal mo means pile of sand! The town was initially built around shipbuilding and reached a crisis in x year, dunnoooo, im no good at factual recall and has had to redevelop itself since then, both in terms of identity and economically. We werent given information about how the ecomonics have worked but it definitely appears to be a successful and growing city with development work going on around the old abandoned shipbuilding areas. 

There is a church or cathedral that i must take a photo of at night and show you. Walking fully laden with my front and backpack last night i was confronted by a bright silver church or cathedral spire and roof. I was unsure whether it was illuminated or just so silver that it shone as the sun was beginning to go down. I think it was probably both but a stunning find and close to home. Impossible to take a pic last night and tonights return journey took a different route.

Walking out earlier this evening to catch the bus i discovered im next to the winos park and walking back this evening, there were people settling in for the night on benches, but it felt ok walking through. Im also situated near one of the arterial roads around the city, no wonder it was noisy last night. And she advertises it as a quiet area of the city?

Hmm its ten o clock. i thought it polite to let my host know ive had a lovely day and will be home in about half an hour as ive not seen her all day. She replied that she is at her boyfriends, has been with him all day and will see me tomorrow. When i was home from six til seven it was clear there were still no breakfast provisions, this may not turn out to be a good reference at all. 

The thing about airbnb is that it is generally so clear, you get what you see, you get what they say! Usually. The stars system is confusing tho, she had three and a half stars out of five which is bad for airbnb but looking at recent reviews she sounded much better and early bad references can affect a hosts rating for a long time so i didn't take much notice of the stars. Perhaps i should have. 

Did i mention my lumpy bed? Its an old futon, she told me it might be uncomfortable and i could fetch down a thin mattress from on top of the wardrobe and put it under the sheet. Hmmm. It took me until nearly midnight last night to actually get up and remake my bed. Standing on the wobbly chair wasnt good and it still wasnt high enough so i sort of had to semi jump, reach, pull and duck, reach, pull and duck until it toppled down! It was comfy enough after i had remade it. But I still couldn't manage the noise, even with earplugs, so had to close the window and swelter.

Maybe i have her apartment to myself while i am here, its quite common that couples work that way but its usually explicit. I messaged asking about breakfast when she said she wouldnt be home and she said she will get some in for Monday!!!! Such a shame, i really dont need awkward interactions. 

Downtown Malmo

Downtown Malmo  10.09.16

Ohmygoodness, i just nearly went and thanked the girl in Starbucks. Cant believe ive just had coffee in there, walked around the area for ten minutes or so looking for an alternative but need to stay local for my boat trip, gave up and succumbed to starbucks. Loos? Yes! and i now have a loo doorcode saved in my phone. The loos on the train didnt work yesterday but at the station it cost me £1.10 for a pee! So i am very happy to have found a loo in the middle of town that i can use. My coffee was way more expensive than i expected but when i tasted it, oh heaven, the first latte ive had since ive been away that actually tasted good. Ive avoided them since i had a couple of Faroese ones made with condensed milk and one in Denmark that arrived almost as black coffee. I am shocked at how americanised my coffee taste has become.

The boat trip im about to take is about as tiny as you can get, Malmo has a canal that circumnavigates the old part of town. i dislike cities, i know i do, so im going to take the easy way out and be a tourist. Ive given up on bike hire. Given up on busses too, ticketing sytems are too complicated, not tourist friendly, you must have a ticket before getting on but theres generally no ticket machines! 

I will resort to knackered feet tho may have to go back to ask the tourist office again about an evening bus for a swim. They were helpful, actually helpful and friendly when i went it. They didnt mind each time i sat down, thought and planned and then returned with another question. Thats what we are here for they said and they actually started treating me as a real person instead of just a tourist and offered their opinions. A refreshing change.

So my plan for today is boat trip, walk through the old part of town then into the castle grounds and the free art museum then out to Turning Tower of Torso. Tomorrow will be the flea market and the two other free museums. Monday, Copenhagen bike tour and boat tour. Tuesday perhaps train to Helsingor and Wednesday see whats left i want to do. I wonder how closely ill stick to that plan.

Tough decision. Get in the queue for the boat early, wait at the front to choose my seat or sit here, on the steps to write and chill, see what seats are left in the last few minutes. Invariably i find if i do the former, theres a reason why what appeared to be a good seat turns out not to be so. Perhaps ill sit next to someone to talk to.

Perfect, today we have no choice, there are single seats, twos and threes. People are told where to sit. Im nearly at the back of the queue and look at those ahead of me, placing my companions all in groups with just one single seat remaining. Brilliant, i get a lovely single seat right by the edge of the boat. Others try to argue with the girl about seats but there is no choice, what is it? something doth butter no parsnips? Not really the right expression at all.

Ok so i enjoyed that, yes i definitely enjoyed my boat tour. Good information, history and understanding of Malmo from an attractive perspective, easy learning. 

And at last, with a return visit to the tourist office, the bus info kiosk at the station and then 'take a number' queuing at the bus office, ive fathomed the bus tickets and managed to purchase a JoJo card and loaded it with five single tickets for nine pounds, valid for any time and also valid to get a train around the city. To swim in the evening would involve committing to a five mile walk after a day on my feet but this way i can bus there, swim, then return via the station concourse with wifi to my hearts content, before the further half hour walk home. Sounds like a good plan.

Ive a guest in my house who has just paid £452 for one week to write up his phd so i feel i can afford to be a little more liberal with my money this week and am about to tuck into a Japanese lunch with a Japanese pint in front of me. I suspect my waistline wont like me eating out but dont think ill go far wrong with chilli marinaded chicken skewers, red onion pickle and boiled rice.

Ok, so i also enjoy planning once i have sufficient information to be efficient, its the struggle to get to this point that takes all the ingenuity, endurance and persistence that i am able to summons. Im about to pay twenty quid for my beer and meal in Lila Torg, the most popular square in town and bugger, theres no wifi! Heyho, so as well as ferries, wifi was something Denmark was good at.

Hmm, im unaware the Japanese served bowls full of mayonnaise, or that chiili marinaded chicken skewers would come as deep fried breaded chicken pieces without a hint of chilli. Expectations, thats the trouble, i have expectations. Time to explore.

Oh my heavens alive the busses work! Stops match those shown and named on the map, also named at the bus stops and announced in the bus both visually and orally. Its 7.30pm and im sitting on the beach. Despite the tourist office assuring me there would be many people swimming in the evenings, the only swimmers here are the seagulls, so wimpy me is sitting in the sand trying not to destroy my ipad but grateful to have found my way here and what a beautiful beach! Unbelievable for a city!

The mossies are out in force though so i wont be sitting here long with my sweaty body and my long unwashed clothes. No the african nuts didnt work, yes they did as good a job as my attempts at handwashing but the engrained grimey smell from weeks of wear without a proper wash remains. I can even see that the front of the legs and the bum area begin to look grimy. They may never recover!

I have been so very very lucky with the weather. Maybe two days of rain since i left the Faroes, otherwise its sun sun sun but also i find it very humid.  i struggle with the heat and humidity particularly since my clothes were chosen with the Faroes in mind. I could easily sit here all evening but am being eaten alive and from the sound of body slaps all around me so are others. Moral of the story, shower and put on avon skin so soft body lotion that acts as mossie repellant before coming out in the evenings.

Perhaps ill stray this way earlier tomorrow evening. Its probably also the best view of Turning Torso there is as well. I terrify myself still, every time i take a photo with my ipad held above water, there's been several of those today.

Such a beautifully spacious city, a few old parts, some interesting new buildings, acres and acres of green spaces and parks, free museums and now miles of beach with a direct pathway from the central station, albeit approaching two miles of empty and isolated places in parts. I am satisfied, can actually say ive had an enjoyable day and can understand people wanting to live here. I think maybe itll be a guardian recommendation before too long and then i can say i found it first!