Sunday, 11 September 2016

Sticking to plan

Sticking to plan  11.09.16

Progress today is going more to plan than yesterday. I was pleased to enjoy several cups of coffee first thing having bought milk to go with my nescafe. For breakfast I ate some of my salad: spaghetti (left from last bod), vegetable, feta and egg, that i had prepared as a meal staple for a few days.

Before i even left the flat my clothes were sticking to me with the humidity. I may have to try to find space tonight to try to scrub my trousers with the filthy washing up brushes but it is so hard when there is only the tiniest of sinks and no space to scrub and rub or detergent to use. I am pleased that at home i offer free use of my washing machine with written instructions and detergent in the house. in my garden house, the butler sink and drainer provide ample space for hand washing and i provide hand washing liquid and bars of washing soap along with a basket of clothes pegs. Sometimes small things can make a big difference to people's experiences and cost little to provide.

First up, the flea market and i had my eyes skinned for anything remotely motor related such that i might find number plate connections. What a sad load of disappointing household trash, like the poorest section of any car boot at home but without the antique stalls, the produce or old tool sections. It was so sad to see people selling rubbish and the number of people buying stuff that i wouldnt even want to touch, dirty old shoes and carpets, jumbles of clothes and toys.

It strikes me that just as Denmark has the least wealth inequality, the divide here in Malmo is great between the rich and the poor. These were poor selling to poorer. Row after row with nothing making me think there was any real money anywhere, i felt very sad. I have twice been approached by people begging since I arrived.

People all around often speak english and not with english or american accents but im unable to place accents. The swedes in general speak far better english than ive met hitherto, often flawless and i have no qulams of asking absolutely anyone for information or advice. There's also definitley a lot of male posturing, broad shoulders and torso attention seeking swaggers and at keast one bare chest walking down the streets somewhere every day.

My foray into art museums is the first challenging art i have seen since being away and closer to work i might expect to see at home. Thought provoking commentary on old and new, beauty and repair, self and other, creation and destruction. It was good to get free wifi for a while too.

OK so city life has worn off on me now, walked lots, seen stuff, bought a felafel wrap for two quid, huge quantities of salad including pickled turnip, salty and pink from beetroot juice. Im now lying reading in a park just as i spent yesterday afternoon but unfortunately this one is full of screaming children. I think i might have just commissioned theft, a guy with an unofficial stall outside the park says he will see if he can 'find' me a number plate before i leave!

I sat by the cats on the steps, designed such that no one ever need feel lonely in Malmo for the cats will always keep you company.

Cant be faffed with the beach, too far away and likely to be crowded on a sunday afternoon. Bangra is playing somewhere in the park, its a concert, but a group have moved in close by playing african rhythms very very loudly with big big PA systems while they are cooking their barbecue which feels a little unfair. I am kept company by scavenging rooks.

Heres the silver church, im not interested in the inside but the outside is stunning