Thursday, 14 July 2016


Plotting 14.07

I sit on the steps and talk to Heidi again. We are both plotting, she how to make money and I how to save it. I talk again of my possible plans to return in August, she tells me she is trying to sell the house, has grandchildren in Copenhagen and it is too much hard work to keep cleaning after guests all the time. I know this feeling only too well from my airbnb rentals at home. I tell her I have just come from a guest house in Midvagur where I have been cleaning and looking after guests instead of paying the rent.

I tell her I have discovered there is a weaving school, evening classes, here in the winter. Yes she says, she is also a weaver. She tells me she has two young women, social work students who sometimes stay in the hostel, take it over, for three months at a time. They look after themselves, do not need cleaning or looking after. For three months they are away studying and then they are here for three months on placement. 

I tell her I would like to be return to Sudoroy in the winter. She tells me where she leaves the key if she is not here but someone is coming to stay. She says I can email her if I decide to return and we can talk. Yes, I say, but I have only just arrived, I need to make sure if I want to stay. Yes she says.

I search my Facebook, my emails, my photos, my iCloud, my iCloud Drive. I want my woven textiles to be there somewhere. All of my photos are backed up and I think they are in a cloud but it seems not so. The two women in the tourist office who told me about the weaving school are also weavers. They showed me pictures of their work. They told me they have a key to the weaving shed and although it is closed, sometimes they go there. I tell them I work with recycled textiles and they are very interested. I want to find a picture of my work to show them but I cannot find one, it must only be on my computer at home or maybe I didn't take one. 

I want to make a connection, show them my work, get an invite to the weaving shed, take it slowly, Tina xx

I am making myself a simple risotto. I have a walk planned for early evening. The day is a beautiful in every respect.


Variable, mainly southwesterly, 3 or 4, backing southeasterly 5 to 7 later.
Sea state
Slight or moderate, becoming moderate or rough later in south.
Rain later.
Good, becoming moderate or poor later.