Monday, 18 July 2016


Swimming 18.07.16

I walk down to the harbour looking for the bridge but don't see one, I realise perhaps Joan said beach not bridge.  a woman with a towel comes along and I introduce myself, soon there are several of us gathered.

Around seven of swim in the clear waters of Nolsoy harbour. The water a coolish nine or ten degrees I think but no one is fussed by temperatures.

Definitley more of a leisurely dip than a serious swimming group but I am nevertheless pleased to join them. I learn they use Facebook as a means of planning to avoid old men leering at them by having a regular swimming time and I am privileged to be invited in. 

A toy boat sits in the middle of the harbour attached to a buoy, a sign, I understand, that it is summer, I want to swim out to the boat and back but do not so. It's funny how unafraid I am of waters that I know yet wary of those I do not. with others just swimming up and down or even in and straight back out, I copy them and don't swim as long as I would like to. 

Looking at this beautiful small village from the water was a special feeling and I warm to it again.